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Riding the storm with a strategic rebrand

There is perhaps never a good time to rebrand, but during a global pandemic may seem crazy but for OverBright it was definitely the right time

The problem



OverBright (previously EEC Services) are a technology company with digital transformation at it's heart, offering reliable, innovative Cloud, Networking, and Workspace solutions.


11 years ago, business partners Kevin and Aaron shared a vision as a technology leading-light, helping clients to be the best they can be. To serve clients with characteristic compassion and honesty and build a strong industry reputation.


Over these years they have enjoyed fast growth, and like many of our  clients, the work involved with working closely with more and more clients and focusing on growing teams means you can loose site of the core values that drove you to that initial success. 


They approached BrandStorm (prior to the pandemic outbreak) as they felt the original reason they embarked on their journey was missing from the current visual brand and their internal communications. They needed to reconnect the business, their employees and clients with the earlier vision.



"We’re excited that we decided to press ahead to bravely rebrand as OverBright, during the COVID-19 crisis. We genuinely believe that to ride the current storm, our clients need to digitally transform. So, our rebrand will help explain how our reliable, innovative Cloud, Networking, and Workspace solutions put them in a good position to overcome uncertainty with clarity."


Aaron Bhatti - OverBright



Our approach



We first held a number of discovery sessions with them to fully understand and rediscover their values. The name was instantly changed back to OverBright (a name they had originally come up with when they started). We revisited the mission and vision statements and created a new logo and tagline as well as a full visual identity including a full bespoke icon set. By using fresh, modern, stylish colours, fonts, typography, and imagery it brought every area of the business in line with the high-tech, cutting-edge outcomes they promise their clients and helps them visually tell their story.


Integral to the visual brand identity was the clear, consistent brand story and worked closely with our brand story partner Katherine Ledger at Copy that sells, who made sure it captured the very essence and personality of the brand. This will run through the heart of all ongoing marketing communications so everything they say, write and do carries the unique story fingerprint. The new tagline ‘technologies to inspire, innovate and collaborate’ further underpins the mission and purpose.




The result


The feedback from OverBright has been overwhelming. Kevin mentions

"Previously we avoided putting the brand out into the public eye. Now every member of staff are much more motivated and proud to push content out now because our brand now has the power to back up the level of service we provide.  It's had a massive impact on everyone in the company and their motivation and productivity than ever before as everyone is committed to achieving the common goal and vision" 


In terms of early results and ROI they have got so far from the rebrand Kevin adds

"It has also helped our sales process. Our sales team are having better conversations with prospects. The brand story flows through all our new sales tools and helps us clarify what we do in a way the prospect understands and the visual identity backs up our credibility."

Views on their LinkedIn posts have gone from a couple of hundred to over 5000 in some cases since the rebrand, increasing their brand awareness and keeping them front of mind with many more prospects than before.



"Working with BrandStorm has made a huge difference to our business. Not only does the brand clearly reflect who we are and our mission but our teams are re energised and committed to helping us achieve our goals. Even with the pandemic and many staff still working from home we seem closer and united than ever before."


Kevin Goodall - OverBright

If you're running a tech company and thinking about rebranding, get in touch today

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